Dec 172010

Because of my wife I am constantly aware of how much sugar we take in in our diets. Due to this awareness I usually drink water most of the time other than my regular coffee. However I just cannot seem to resist the urge for the occasional Sunkist. I don’t know what it is about it, I just love it.

What’s funny about this is when I am opening it up I am thinking about all the sugar I am getting ready to take in, but I decide in my mind that this will be the last one for a very long time. In fact I even think to myself “I may not drink one of these ever again”. This is really easy to convince myself of because I am getting ready to enjoy the drink.

Isn’t it funny how easy it is to make a commitment NOT to do something when you’re about to DO the very thing you’re vowing against? I started thinking how easy it is for some people to say say they’re not going to go against God’s laws in a certain way again, while they’re in the act.

“After I finish this night of drinking with my friends, I’m not going to do it anymore…”

“After I finish this pack of cigarettes I’m not going to buy another…”

“Starting tomorrow I’m going to read my bible everyday…”

“Starting this January I’m going to go on a diet…”

It’s easy to make a commitment for later when you have what you’re desiring now… therefore it means nothing. Cancel that night out, throw the rest of that pack away, read the bible now, start that diet today… now that’s hard. How do you feel about discarding what you have now and starting that resolution today? A much tougher sale to make to yourself isn’t it?

Commitment can’t be forced, it is a decision that must be made. There is an old saying “Those convinced against their will, are of the same opinion still” which is still true today. All we can do is plant seeds with people and pray to the Lord of the Harvest for their germination. Sometimes it can be hard to watch those we love hurt themselves, but no matter how much we want to go up and knock some sense into them- we have to use wisdom in our communication with them.

Plant seeds, water and then let the Lord draw them to His purpose.


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