Jul 082016

We need to come together. Not for any other reason than because we’re all one blood. We came from the same source, God in Heaven; all were created by Him and without was not anything made that was made. We need His Kingdom Come now on Earth, just as it is in Heaven. Stand against injustice, stand against murder, stand for righteousness, stand for what is right in God’s eyes not our own. Praying this morning for those families who have lost loved ones on the police force in Dallas, praying for those families who have lost loved ones where sentencing was carried out on the sidewalks and on the streets, praying for those who truly protest in peace and for the right reasons, praying for those officers who truly work to serve and protect all across this nation, praying for strength for the pastors of this nation who will be asked to help so many navigate through such tumultuous times, praying against the politicizing of these events, praying against racism which is fueled purely by ignorance of each other and by the wicked one himself who is the prince of all ignorance, and praying we can turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, the King, and rely on Him to bring us together. All things were created by Him and for Him. May we come together as one in the name of the Lord Jesus and build together, love together, comfort together, grow together, and all be together.


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